Andigo New Media
Andigo New Media is an online communications strategy and Web development firm that has been in business since 1996. Andigo designed and built the Bamboosero Website and provides on-going support, advice and consulting for our ecommerce and online communications efforts.
Village Bicycle Project
Our mentors in Ghana, VBP has been working with bikes there for over nine years, getting thousands of people on donated bikes and teaching hundreds of mechanics how to maintain them.
The Peace Corps
We are working with Peace Corps Volunteers in Ghana, finding the best way to work with local people on setting up Bamboosero workshops. Their local knowledge and commitment to their villages is invaluable for this kind of work. Ghana was the first country that the Peace Corps started with in 1961.
Ability Bikes / Bikes Not Bombs
Bikes Not Bombs promotes bicycle technology as a concrete alternative
to war and environmental destruction. For 25 years, BNB has been a
nexus of bike recycling and community empowerment both in lower income
neighborhoods of Boston and in the nations of the Global South. BNB's
programs involve young people and adults in mutually respectful
leadership development and environmental stewardship, while recycling
6,000 bicycles annually.
Cyclists for Cultural Exchange
The CCE is famous in California for organizing the Strawberry Fields Forever Century ride. Their mission is to further peace and international understanding through exchanges between people with a common interest in cycling. The CCE has helped fund our start up costs and provides cultural exchange opportunities for some Bambooseros.
Cooper Hand Tools
Makers of the finest hand tools. Cooper has supplied rasps and machetes to the African Bambooseros. The quality to value ratio is unbeatable and especially appreciated in these conditions
Clif Bar
An unofficial sponsor, Clif Bar employees have donated part of their annual allottment to Bamboosero in support of the Bamboo Bike Tour and to keep Craig fully energized during his travels.
Specialized Bicycle Components
An unofficial sponsor, Specialized has donated part of their annual allottment to Bamboosero in the way of saddles to make all of our lives a bit easier on the bike.