Bamboosero Locations - Ghana
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Ghana, Yonso Project
INTRODUCTION (From the Yonso Project website)
The Yonso Project is working to provide the community members of Yonso with new employment and business opportunities.
The flagship program is our new Bamboosero bamboo bike workshop. In late October, the Yonso Project hosted a pan-African workshop, involving representatives from Uganda, Ghana, and Nigeria, where Craig Calfee came to train staff members for the Bamboosero workshops scattered across the continent. Our intial staff of 3, completed their training and accepted full employment producing bike frames made out of bamboo and sisal fiber for sale through the Bamboosero website. We will be extending invitations to local artists to create a series of specially designed Kente and Adinkra themed cosmetic surface treatments for a more specialized Ghanaian frame.
As taken from Wikipedia: Kente cloth, known locally as nwentoma, is a type of silk fabric made of interwoven cloth strips and is native to the country of Ghana. It is the Tribal cloth for many Ethnic groups in Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Togo and,it is a pan-African symbol.
Adinkra are visual symbols, originally created by the Akan of Ghana and the Gyaman of Cote d'Ivoire in West Africa, that represent concepts or aphorisms. Adinkra are used on fabric, walls, in pottery, woodcarvings and logos. Fabric adinkra are often made by woodcut sign writing as well as screen printing. They also can be used to communicate evocative messages that represent parts of their life or those around them.
All Bambooseros are offered full medical coverage for their entire family and a significantly higher living wage. All profits from this endeavor go to fund community civic projects, scholarships, microloans, and other Yonso Project programs.
Photo: Mango of the Yonso Project!
"It was hard in the beginning for the first two days of the training. I begun to understand and get the concept after the second day. The measurement was really a problem because I was not used to since it was a long time since I used measurements before but after three occasions I became used to it. For now I can make the city and road bike.
In general the workshop was very successful and beneficial. When the bike frame was made, I was very happy. I thank The Yonso Project and Mr. Calfee for the opportunity given me and I am prepared now to work with the project"
-Mango, Yonso Project Bamboosero
Photo: Community youth helping out during Bamboosero training
They are ready to increase production and need some assistance with financing the supply of bicycle parts for local use. By buying a Bamboosero bike, you will help make this happen.