Bamboosero Locations - Ghana
Wisdom | Ibrahim | Abompe | Ben | Yonso Project | Ghana Page
Located in the Eastern Region, the Abompe Group has made great strides recently forming a cooperative business and shipping their first frames. Under the watchful eye of Peace Corps Volunteer Suzanne Hartley, this group has benefitted from having continuous guidance and support as well as close proximity to the bamboo.
This group has also hosted our first Bamboo Bicycle Tour. They provided the bikes and the local area for riding. Their skills were put to the test with the pressure of making sure none of the tourists have a problem with their bike. It ended up being an excellent experience for the group and upon further training, are in the process of producing version 2.0, bikes strong enough to tour on any continent.
They are ready to increase production and need some assistance with financing the supply of bicycle parts for local use. By buying a Bamboosero bike, you will help make this happen.