Bamboosero Locations - Uganda
Gulu Hope | Uganda Page
From the GuluHope.org webpage:
In the Bamboosero Workshop, we teach students to make bicycle frames from bamboo that grows wild in Uganda.
It’s hard work; One bike frame takes about a week to make. Wild bamboo is harvested with handsaws and set aside to cure. Pieces without scratches or splits are selected and cut to size. Students form the bamboo into a bike frame using PVC pipe to hold it in place. The joints are secured with hemp soaked in epoxy. All joints are hand filed and sanded smooth.
Above, Chate Deo, one of our teachers, learns methods developed by Craig Calfee to make a bamboo bike, totally by hand, without any electricity or power tools.
Gulu Hope is a non-profit organization that is helping to rebuild lives through education and vocational training in northern Uganda. Programs such as the HOPE for Africa Vocational Training Centre, Bamboosero Bikes and Garden Gulu are breaking the dependency on aid by offering residents skills that can sustain generations into the future.
They are ready to increase production and need some assistance with financing the supply of bicycle parts for local use. By buying a Bamboosero bike, you will help make this happen.