Support Bamboosero

Buy a bike, share your expertise, help us make good connections.

The most effective support you can give is buying a bike. Our goal is not to seek donation after donation, year after year to support Bamboosero Bicycles. Our goal is to create self-sustaining businesses that help build local economies.

We are also looking for financial support to bring Bamboosero to other countries and financial backing to build a reliable supply chain for affordable bicycle parts in the areas where Bamboosero is operating. Please email us if you can help in this area.

Ocassionally, we find ourselves in need of very particular skills - connections in a new region, logistical support, even building a Website. We'll post those needs on this page as they arise.

In the meantime, there's nothing cooler than doing good and having fun: Buy a bike!

And thank you for your support and encouragement.