Why Build?
So why not just muster our connections in the bike world, solicit donations, and ship container-loads of bikes to places in need?
Because our goal is to create self-sustaining businesses that help the developing world break the cycle of dependence on Western aid, one village at a time. Bicycle building can be the first step toward economic independence.
Building bamboo bikes on a local shop scale spreads out the little capital investment among many responsible individuals. Bamboo bikes don't benefit from mass production techniques like a steel bike factory can. Sourcing the raw materials is far easier with bamboo so each area can support its own bike building operation.
Once a local craftsperson has learned the skills to build bamboo bikes, others can be trained to build bikes. And the skills learned maintaining bamboo bikes transfer to other types of bikes, as well. The new bicycle shop creates reliable, affordable transportation while creating jobs and becoming an important part of a village's growing economy.